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Kid Lit Interview with Author Chris Dixon “That’s Okay”
We are thrilled to be speaking with Chris Dixon on “Galaxy-Boy Delivery”, an accomplished author and illustrator.
Geek Mom World

KidLit Interview with Illustrator Steve Brown | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
“Galaxy-Boy Delivery” is back with another Kidlit Creator Interview now featuring the awesome illustrator Steve Brown.
Geek Mom World

KidLit Interview with Ingrid Constantino | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Today we have Ingrid Constantino joining us for a discussion about art, passion and goals.
Geek Mom World

Kid Talent Interview with LifeMations | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Today we feature the talented LifeMations, an animator who will be on the rise with Jaiden Animations one day!
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with José A Nieto | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
José A Nieto dropped by All Ages of Geek with “Galaxy-Boy Delivery” giving some inspiration to illustrators of all ages.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with Jessica Yaun | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Jessica Yaun is here to discuss this on KidlIt Creator Interview with All Ages of Geek and “Galaxy-Boy Delivery”.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with Sian Lewin | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Today on KidlIt Creator Interviews author of “The Adventures of Alfie and Pepper” Sian Lewin joins Stilo and Korl for an interview.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with The Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
The author of “The Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip: Smart City” Beverly Clarke took time to talk to Galaxy-Boy Delivery.
Geek Mom World

Interview with creator of “Someday Somewhere Else” Joey Papalia | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Independent creators like Joey Papalia also known as Joseppi and @Joseppilinguini on Twitter know how tough the indie business can be.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with Samantha Jo Phan | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Samantha Jo Phan is an amazing artist who creates beautiful illustrations known for her cute and colorful style.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with Awesome Tonja Drecker | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Kidlit author of Music Boxes-Dancing, Tonja Drecker is here at All Ages of Geek to talk all about her life as a writer.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with the Amazing Betsy Bird | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Betsy Bird has seen the world of children’s books change over the years, and that’s an amazing thing to witness.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with the Awesome Troy Wilson | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Today, Troy Wilson author of “Hat Cat” stops by All Ages of Geek to chat with Galaxy-Boy Delivery.
Geek Mom World

Interview with Galaxy-Boy Delivery Animator Red Ogna
Red Ogna is the lead character animator on the upcoming kids show “Galaxy-Boy Delivery” from All Ages of Geek.
Geek Mom World

Interview with Antonia Marquee: Creator of the “Galaxy-Boy Delivery” Theme Song
Antonia Marquee is the creator of the Galaxy-Boy Delivery theme song. In this interview we chat all about her creative journey.
Geek Mom World

The Cootie Wars Author Kofi Houston Interview | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Kofi Houston, author of The Cootie Wars series stopped by All Ages of Geek to talk all about his debut published book.
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with the Amazing Brittany Pomales | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
The awesome Brittany Pomales who has a 2025 picture book debut coming up (wow) is here to talk with Galaxy-Boy Delivery.
Geek Mom World

Interview with Michelle Lam Creator of “MEESH the BAD DEMON”
Today we have special guest Michelle Lam creator of “MEESH the BAD DEMON” and many other mini comics and videos found across social media l
Geek Mom World

Kidlit Interview with Ame Dyckman NY Times Bestselling Author
Ame Dyckman, self-described as “short, loud, goofy… Did I mention goofy?” is the colorful award-winning author of many books for children, i
Geek Mom World

Science Poems Interview with Celia Berrell | Galaxy-Boy Delivery
Today, we’re delighted to introduce you to Celia Berrell, a Science Rhymes poet who’s not afraid to say YES to new challenges.
Geek Mom World

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